Naturactive Laboratory

Laboratoire Naturactive

La marque NaturActive a été créée par les laboratoires Pierre Fabre en 1988 sous le nom de Plantes et Médecines. NaturActive propose des solutions sures et efficaces à base de plantes naturelles. Les laboratoires Pierre Fabre développe et distribue des médicaments pour la santé familiale et la dermo-cosmétique.


NaturActive was created by Pierre Fabre laboratories in 1988 under the name of Plantes et Médecines. Naturactive offers safe and effective solutions to natural herbal. The Pierre Fabre laboratories develop and distribute medicines for family and dermo-cosmetic health.


The brand NaturActive offers care products for the health and the well-being pour l’individu particulier est spécifique pour répondre au mieux aux besoins particuliers de chacun. Health is a heritage to be protected. NaturActive has fully understood that and has taken thus a responsible, comprehensive and active approach in order to protect and maintain it. That is why the brand puts in place adapted and graded solutions. The study of nature and plants enabled the brand to develop products with quality natural active ingredients. Les démarches menées par NaturActive are made in compliance with nature and human beings and the Phytotherapy range of Pierre Fabre laboratories is the guarantor of this engagement.


The brand shares its knowledge thanks to the creation of a book « Maman BIO mode d’emploi » (Organic mum instructions for use) suggesting thus different alternative approaches to organise on a daily basis with regard to food, health, well-being, leisures and holidays.


The brand NaturActive is developing in a responsible way. In fact, this one is concerned about the respect of the plant world and participates to sustainable preservation of the planet's resources by restocking to the Phytotherapy range of Pierre Fabre which the selective collection of plants is done in accordance with natural environments in the continual interest of preserving the diversity of the plants and their environments. Furthermore, the Phytotherapy range of Pierre Fabre has recently been given the European label EFQM (European foundation for Quality Management) proving the quality of the approach adopted. The extraction of plants allows to collect their active substances and to eliminate cellulose waste. The concentration enables to offer consumers small-sized capsules making the swallowing easier. It also enables to have medicines which dosage is standardized and the dose reduced for better effectiveness.


The brand offers various care products allowing consumers to find solutions to different problems :

  • feminine well-being
  • circulation of blood
  • Urinary comfort
  • dermatological nutrition
  • digestion
  • pain
  • elimination
  • winter ills
  • slimness
  • health through nutrition
  • protection
  • sleep and stress
  • vitality